5 White Oil Mistakes Food Manufacturers Can’t Afford to Make

Mar 15, 2021 | Product Applications, Quality Control, Safety

In food manufacturing, selecting a food-grade white oil that meets FDA standards is only one factor in maximizing production performance, ensuring safety and product quality. Everything from the refining process to storage protocols to precise use conditions must be taken into account.

To neglect these considerations is to run the risk of several negative consequences:

  • Compromised safety
  • Oil waste
  • Degraded product quality
  • International transport issues
  • Production stoppages

While all of these consequences have the potential to disrupt operations and reduce profitability, the potential human cost of an unsafe work environment is always our top concern. The proper white oil for an application can prevent serious injury and death.

With this degree of urgency in mind, the following are five mistakes your food manufacturing or similar white oil-dependant operation may make, and how to address them.

1. The flash point of your white oil blend is too low for your conveyor speed.

A common mistake is assuming that if the viscosity of your white oil blend is technically sufficient for your conveyance equipment, you should not have to worry about fire risk. However, while the oil may be sufficiently viscous, its flash point can still be dangerously low.

This may not be evident in applications in which the conveyor speed has been kept constant for a long period of time. But even a slight increase in speed to boost productivity can require higher oven temperatures and resulting flash risk.

Suppliers produce specific viscosities as blends of refined oils to meet the desired MW and viscosity.  Some suppliers simplify and use only one high and one low MW blend component to make all the viscosities in between.  But the downside of this “dumbbell blend” method of blending two very different oils is the degradation of quality, with much lower flash point than with other methods.

The key to reducing this quality degradation is in the use of base oils that are each closer to the desired molecular weight prior to blending. Because of our wide selection of pure “straight cuts” of oil from the distillation column,  it is possible to choose components close to the target MW. Renkert is thus able to produce the highest possible flash point in a white oil blend and significantly lower the risk of fire.

2. The viscosity of your grain dust oil is not optimal for spray application.

Any food producer who stores grain or works with grain elevator operators understands the safety hazard grain dust poses as an explosive risk. According to Purdue University, there were eight grain dust explosions in 2020, causing nine injuries and destroying equipment. This is a good reminder of the importance of an effective dust control system.

A food grade white oil dedust agent is the obvious choice over water to suppress dust without encouraging mold and mildew growth.  Technically any white oil viscosity will work and purchasing managers don’t take viscosity into account. As a result, viscosity can be too high or too low, causing safety or economic concerns, respectively.  Silo operators design the spray nozzles for a specific viscosity.

  • When viscosity is too high, not enough oil passes through the spray nozzle, reducing the dust suppression benefits. Reduced suppression leaves highly combustible dust.  
  • When viscosity is too low, more oil than necessary is applied. As a higher concentration of oil above the recommended ppm provides no added benefit, this is a waste of white oil and money.

An added economic consideration is the benefit of dust consolidation. While the exact amount of grain loss due to handling varies, dedust application reclaims perhaps half a percent of grain weight that would be lost to fugitive dust without white oil application.

3. Your white oil’s color stability doesn’t stand up to your storage environment.

Ideally, highly refined mineral oils should be stored in the optimal environment to preserve their color stability. The characteristics of an ideal environment include:

  • Little to no airflow (or sealed in airtight containers).
  • Temperature-controlled to avoid excessive heat.
  • Dark, indoor space or tank to avoid light exposure.

Among these conditions, exposure to light is among the most common. White oils are often stored in translucent or transparent poly containers situated outdoors, sometimes the only available storage space.

The result is UV light exposure, which over time can alter the color of white oil. Once water-clear mineral oil can develop a noticeable tinge of yellow. While this has no effect on other properties, the consumer perceives discoloration in either food packaging or topical products as a reduction in quality. This unnecessary problem can have a devastating impact on profit margin.

The best way to solve this problem is to change storage practices to limit or eliminate exposure of your stored white oil to sunlight. However, your white oil product selection can make a difference. Renkert has worked with raw material suppliers in recent years to add additional testing protocols that demonstrate the degree of color stability under UV light exposure.

Reducing storage temperature and contact with air are also important.  If the oil needs to be heated for application, use a small heated storage just before use.  This reduces the time at higher temperature which oxidation occurs more rapidly.

Renkert also applies rigorous testing protocols to ensure our white oils exceed U.S. and European Pharmacopeia (USP and EP) standards limiting aromatics, which degrade color stability when they oxidize. Products that meet only the minimum standard may have more aromatics present that will exacerbate your color stability problems.

4. You can’t ship your food products to Europe because your white oil mobility is too high.

The European Union has high standards for the MW of white oil used in the production of food and food packaging. A molecular weight below 480 (which correlates to 350 SUS viscosity) will not pass muster. 

Seeking to prevent excessive absorption/ingestion that can result from low MW oils passing into food and other consumables, the EU requires food manufacturers to utilize an approved white oil supplier. Without a registration through REACH, suppliers are not allowed to import or sell white oil into Europe.

As a European Union REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals) registered supplier, Renkert’s food-grade oils meet both USP and European Pharmacopeia requirements. We are also registered with K-REACH to similar standards in Korea.  These registrations allow Renkert customers to include Renkert white oils in their products that are imported into the EU and Korea and Renkert fulfills the reporting requirements.  

5. Your dough is sticking to pans, blades and smashers due to low MW.

Even if your white oil meets the target viscosity / average MW, a certain amount of mobility into food products can occur, reducing the effectiveness of your oil as a release agent. This is problematic for pizza manufacturing and the mass production of similar baked goods as the consumables absorb the release oil needed on the surface.  Low MW is more mobile and absorbs faster and dumbbell blends (with wider MW range) increase the amount of low MW in a specific product viscosity.

The result is an increase in equipment stoppages for cleaning and maintenance. Profitability is negatively impacted as operations slow and workers must spend more time tending to equipment and less on production.

This is why a target viscosity, narrow MW, and as discussed above, high flash point white oil is so critical. You simply cannot optimize your output with mineral oils that just meet minimum standards. We can help you determine how far above that standard you need to go to reach the optimal output.

Renkert Is Your White Oil Supplier and Production Optimization Partner

Renkert is one of the largest U.S. white oil producers and suppliers. As we are also experienced white oil consultants working with many major manufacturers who count on quality food-grade oils, we offer far more than access to these oils. The Renkert team wants to help you identify the best products to maximize your profits.

In food manufacturing, that means a high-quality white oil that is not only water-clear, odor-free and tasteless, but one with the unique set of properties to ensure:

  • A safer production environment (with a high flash point).
  • Less oil waste (due to optimal viscosity).
  • Optimal product quality (due to enhanced color stability).
  • Freedom to transport anywhere in the world (as we exceed international standards and have REACH registered the products).
  • Smooth operations (with the optimal molecular weight).

You can count on Renkert Oil to help you make the best possible white oil selection for your specific product and use conditions, and to remain a trusted partner who will help you adjust that selection as your needs evolve.

Learn more about Renkert’s high viscosity and white mineral oils, or contact us today to speak to a product expert.