Renkert Delivers for Fermi NOvA Project

Mar 13, 2015 | Product Applications, Renkert News

Renkert Oil began production deliveries of Fermi Lab NOvA project scintillator detector fluid November 5, 2012. The scintillator, which is used to detect neutrinos, is being installed in a very large detector in Ash River, MN.

Renkert Oil has been responsible for providing high purity Renkert produced this scintillator fluid for the Fermi NOvA project.mineral oil and blending it with Pseudocumene and various wave shifter powders and antistatic ingredients to produce the finished scintillator.

Extreme care is taken to produce a scintillator that meets NOvA’s stringent requirements. A dedicated facility was constructed in Hammond, IN, which precisely combines these components and prevents contamination. The end product is a scintillator fluid that is crystal clear but emits a blue glow from interaction with neutrinos.

This is a critical component in the massive Ash River detector. As the installation of the Scintillator ramps up to scheduled rates, Renkert will be shipping about 135,000 pounds per week to Minnesota.

Currently we have 1.6 million pounds of finished and approved scintillator in stock and will perform regular production blends to meet NOvA’s needs. We anticipate three years of production to complete this project.

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