TPE Process Oil Supplier Renkert Oil Honors Dr. Glenn H. Fredrickson for Work on Self-Assembling Polymers

Apr 3, 2023 | Product Applications, Renkert News

Quality TPE process oil plays an important role in the development of thermoplastic elastomers. So does the advanced technology used to simulate polymer production in the research phase.

Dr. Glenn H. Fredrickson has long been at the forefront of developing this technology. His work in computer simulation technology has facilitated important advancements in custom polymers. 

In recognition of these ongoing advancements, Renkert Oil is delighted to honor Dr. Fredrickson with the 2023 Chemistry of Thermoplastic Elastomers Award, sponsored by the American Chemical Society’s Rubber Division.

Honoring Outstanding Contributions

As a leading TPE process oil supplier serving innovative thermoplastic elastomer producers, Renkert Oil is a proud member of the ACS Rubber Division.

The Rubber Division established the Chemistry of TPE Award in 1991 with an emphasis on innovations that have yielded commercial or patentable materials.

As the 2023 award recipient, Dr. Fredrickson more than meets those criteria, having made truly outstanding contributions in his field.

Renkert Oil first became a sponsor of this award in 2019, honoring Dr. Timothy Long, and we have since presented awards to Dr. Lewis Fetters and Dr. Takashi Inoue.

Dr. Glenn H. Fredrickson joins this prestigious list for his theoretical work in self-assembling copolymers and creating a simulation technique that today helps our partners in custom polymer production be more successful. 

Fredrickson’s Work and the Role of TPE Process Oil 

His approach, field-theoretic simulation (FTS), is widely used today to assess the structure and phase behavior of multiphase polymer systems such as complex TPEs.

Field-Theoretic Simulation (FTS)

FTS has applications in the development of many high-demand custom polymers:

  • Microelectronics. Thin block copolymer films are used in the lithography, or precise fabrication, of circuit boards for microelectronic devices. FTS is extremely useful in modeling the behavior of self-assembled domains typically on a scale very difficult to achieve (approx. 10 nanometers).
  • Adhesives and coatings. FTS is also used to study the interactions between polymer chains and various types of molecular bonds. This is useful when researching the potential bond strength and spreadability of adhesives and coatings at a wide range of temperatures.
  • Food and drug encapsulation. Researchers use FTS to simulate the separation of oppositely-charged polymers (polyelectrolytes) into dense and fluid phases. This fluid has properties that are ideal for use in food and drug encapsulation technologies.

The list goes on as the Fredrickson Research Group at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and all FTS-adopting researchers, continue to advance the frontier of polymer science.

TPE Process Oil

Thermoplastic elastomer makers benefit from the accuracy of FTS in anticipating the way TPEs are expected to behave under various conditions.

TPE process oil is key to developing a wide variety of these custom polymers. It extends the base material, softening the polymer to the desired quality and reducing cost, facilitating cost-effective commercial TPE production.

Furthermore, quality, low-volatility process oil offers the added benefit of ensuring the desired long-term “soft touch” in many applications, e.g. automotive interior moldings, without fogging.

Together, advanced FTS technology and the chemistry of TPE process oil are essential parts of the thermoplastic elastomer R&D process, helping to produce superior, innovative products.

Supplying Quality TPE Process Oil to Innovators in Custom Polymers

All of us at Renkert Oil are excited to present the Chemistry of Thermoplastic Elastomers Award to Dr. Fredrickson at the spring meeting of the ACS Rubber Division, April 23-27, 2023.

We’re also looking forward to seeing our colleagues, fellow ACS members, and customers—innovators in the field of TPE manufacturing—at our booth. 

From left: Suzanne Kingsbury, Mark Sansing, Chris Fox, and Mark Proudfoot (2021)

As always, we’ll be eager to discuss the current state of the TPE industry and the exciting future we’re making together. We hope to see you there! 
But if we don’t, you can always contact us to learn more about Renkert Oil’s expansive line of TPE process oils and other quality specialty oils.